Fiber Optical Media Converters and their Applications
A fiber media converter is a simple networking device that makes it possible to connect copper-to-fiber and converting between different types of fiber. Media converters link dissimilar cabling media and can give network managers the freedom to take advantage of speed, bandwidth, and security enhancements as they become available. These devices do just what their name implies and convert data signals on one cabling medium to signals that can be transported over another medium.
Ethernet connections are limited to a data transmission distance of only 100 meters. By using our ETHERNET-to-FIBER converter from our EA-NF1001 series, fiber optic cabling can now be used to extend this connection over a much greater distance of 20-80 kilometers (12-50 miles).
By using the EA-NF1001 converters, the benefits of fiber optic cabling can now be realized for Ethernet infrastructures. This opens so many options when you're in the line of installing and setting up CCTV system. Imagine the possibilities.
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